This song has been on my mind, and been one of my favorites for years (if you listen to my blast. You will hear a sample of it). Its prince and his song Anastasia. The reason this song is so special to me. It was the first time. I had gotten the full effect of a very sensual lap dance. I was still living down in Miami so strip clubs nightlife etc.. I was very accustomed to but I must admit I was always a little bit cheap. When it came to strip clubs. When friends from up north or out of town would come to my home. That was the first attraction. So they normally paid for the dancers, but to be quite honest it was more eye candy for me, because if you have ever lived in South Miami beautiful women are a dime a dozen and seeing them nude was no big deal either. Almost half the women in Miami, walked around with little or nothing on.
But this night, my cousin was in town from Tampa. He was in the Air Force, and in his travels he had heard about the cocoa lounge. So we did our normal South Beach Miami club hopping, and eventually after seven or eight different clubs later we finally made it around to the cocoa lounge. Personally, I had never been in this club before, after entering the club. Looking around, we could see it was pretty crowded. Some of Miami’s finest gentlemen (gold teeth everywhere. If I had to do racial profiling. I think we were the only two that did not have grills or a police record).
So this was definitely not are seen both my cousin and I are allergic to bullets. But then, almost simultaneously, we spotted her about 5 foot eight, curly black hair and what seemed to be a biracial, ethnic background. She came over and sat between my cousin and I she was absolutely beautiful. From what someone can gather from someone physically, and with about 10 minutes of conversation. You could tell that she had a nice personality. She wasn’t cold and repulsed by her job (like I had seen on the faces of many other dancers or she did a very good job of hiding it.
Then eventually, the business side of her kicked in. After all we were at her job, and she asked. "Would either one of you, or both. Like a lap dance" I made the motions like I was searching my pockets. Like I had done many times before in the strip clubs. But this time I was actually looking for money, because I did find her very attractive. Upon opening my wallet. I did not have a dime. I’ve forgotten that I had been paying for drinks all evening slightly panicked. I looked at my cousin for a rescue. It was like we went into a small huddle. "Man, I only have a 20 spot." Was his replied to me and he wanted her to dance for him. "I pleaded with him "come on, Karl. I will hook you up next weekend. If you come down, let me have this one."
He reluctantly gave me his last $20. I knew she had done a good job of selling herself with her personality and her obvious feminine form. I wasn’t stupid, that was her job to make me feel like I was the only man in the club to separate me from my money. And for one song be a fantasy. She took $20 from my hand and asked me "what kind of music do you like?" Anything from Prince was my reply, she said. "I will be right back in one minute, let me tell the DJ" she started coming back, and shortly after she got close to me. This song from Prince came on Anastasia.
She smiled at me, as she straddled my wheelchair. I looked to my left and admired her, almost endless longlegs this particular club was a completely nude club. I felt like a childish 12-year-old boy who had never seen or been with a completely nude woman before she started rhythmically moving her hips to almost the words of the song I could smell her intoxicating perfume mixed with the smell of her hair. She whispered in my ear as she grinding, not just her hips, but her entire body against me. "I have never done this before, with a guy in a wheelchair. And I can tell you’re enjoying this to" my face was already red with embarrassment. All I could do was just smile. I felt her trying to push her breast and to my face. I was turned on, but not that turned on. I knew this was this woman’s job, so it probably wasn’t the first time. Someone had licked or sucked her nipple and judging the clientele in the club. I resisted the temptation and then all of a sudden, what seems like an eternity to me. The five-minute song was over.
She sat in my lap, for a few minutes. We both smiled at one another and started to laugh. I looked out for corner of my eye, and I could see my cousin sitting there in almost a disbelief shock. She gingerly started to raise herself out of my lap. I quickly grabbed my coat. throwing it into my lap. She gave me a kiss on the cheek told me what time she dance and what nights and walk with us half way to the door. I almost felt like I needed to give her a rose or something, like we had just been on a date. LOL walking out into the parking lot. My cousin told me "GOD dammit. I knew I should have taken that dance that was my last $20 you to look like you were dry fucking." I was still in a bit of a daze yes, I was turned out. LOL. I made a promise to myself that day. When I do go to a strip club. I look, but I do not let them touch, and I do not like to be touched, because those women have the power to make you give them you’re a whole will check and I have enough common sense. To avoid addictive behavior, but I must admit every time I hear Anastasia. I think of her( photograph up top is not the dancer. Just a close resemblance of her from what I remember. And thank you Iris for the song)
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