Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Hot SEX!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Nude Magician?
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Wheelchair Sex (my first time)

I remember the first time . I had sex in a wheelchair for most of you who regularly read my blogs . You know that my accident happened in 1982 . I was 14 years old at the time so the only sexual experience that I had had was that of a 14-year-old which was at it’s best not in control . If you know what I mean LOL the slightest touch , and things misfire LOL but one year past . I regained feeling in those areas . I’m it was one thing to have a nurse give you a bed Bath and you look down and have a huge erection but I could not feel it the emotions set in . You start to worry , am I going to be a complete man ever again so things become very mental I want to know more about my body I knew that I was obviously achieving erections . So that I worked that still didn’t have any feeling . So I started reading books on human sexuality . I quickly found out that sex was in your head . The one on your shoulders . :-) I found out that I could ejaculate without any type of manipulation . I also found out that my body was like an open nerves and any and almost every stimulation aroused it because it did not know how to control itself . So once I started getting feeling back . It was very strange . The human touch was painful and first because the nerves had been so dormant for almost two years so I actually felt my first hard on it was scary . You have to remember I had gone to years without feeling . It so it was painful and pleasurable at the same time entering into high school sex is a big part of your life . I can remember the first person I was with . We will just call her Suzi X. :-) I remember her standing in front of my wheelchair leaning over and kissing my neck I felt like Forrest Gump , because I got hard so quickly . She started taking off her clothes and I remember watching her and not being able to stand up and touch her . I felt like a prisoner , because all of my male aggressive and impulses tendencies . I could not act on . She was in complete control , and I must admit it to it took some getting used to . She unbutton my pants , and for the first time . Someone was touching me that wasn’t my nurse or my doctor . She put her hand around me . I thought my brains were going to explode . LOL she began to take the armrest off the sides of the wheelchair my mouth was as dry as the Sierra Desert she kept on whispering"calm down , calm down"I could only think to myself you have no idea what you are doing to me . LOL she straddled my wheelchair put me inside of her . And I thought to myself"this wheelchair thing . Is it going to be that bad"LOL I remember when I came home . Of course , my mother knew . I think every mother knows when her son does something . She started laughing and my father just gave me that look like"that’s my boy"so now that I have taken you down memory lane . I think a going to call Susie X. LOL seriously sexuality is a big part of my life . But I have found out through the years that it is a lot more incense . When you’re in love . Maybe that is just the hopeless romantic side of my heart talking . I will not be a hypocrite , the booty calls and maintenance sex also take the edge off of daily life . LOL I can’t believe I just wrote this . LOL LOL
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Shoe Fetish?

I have always wondered about a woman’s some would call a obsession with shoes to be is more specific multiple pairs of shoes . Now this is what I know . As far as from the women that I have dated"shoes fit every aspect of your personality . I wear shoes that fit my personality for that particular day"I have also heard"I can gain weight . I can lose weight . But my feet will always be the same . And that’s why I have so many pairs of shoes . And so few pairs of jeans"personally I love to see a woman with a nice pair of stilettos on . And I must admit there is something about a woman innocently dangling her shoe . Off the tip of her foot , while she is sitting with her legs crossed in a elegant dress OMG!! Now don’t get that twisted . I won’t go so far to say that I have a shoe fetish , but I have seen some pretty feet . That look good in pretty shoes with full disclosure , I guess for a man in a wheelchair I own my fair share of shoes (how ironic) . LOL but I have been shopping with a woman before , and I had never seen such a scientific almost military approach to buying them . But I will tell you this , don’t stop wearing them don’t stop buying them keep on sacrificing comfort over fashion , because I love seeing your feet in high heels . :-)
Nipple Fetish (Confession)

I’m becoming too comfortable with this Bloging . LOL my last post was about women and shoes and a little bit of a fetishism . When it comes to a woman’s foot . I had to comments directed toward the possibility that it may be a fetish for me . The real truth is my fetish on a woman’s body is a bit further north way north :-) my weakness . As a small , unassuming body part that comes in pairs nipple fetish . :-) by far one of the most fascinating parts of the feminine form for me it’s her nipples here is my take on them and why they are so fascinating to me with us as men . It’s very obvious . When we are aroused you glanced down or brush across us and it feels like we’re carrying a concealed weapon . But just like a mysterious and complex nature of a woman her nipples do not tell just one story about her body . You can look at her and see them obviously fully hard and very pronounced but it can mean . So many different things . Maybe it’s cold outside . Maybe she just finished working out and the endorphins are still running through her body . Maybe she’s upset and her blood pressure is still running very high with the simmering of anger with some women . They simply don’t know that they are out there like that . That’s just the way her body is made or my most favorite scenario . She has seen something or felt something to arouse her thoughts :-) I have been in the wheelchair for 25 years now . So a women’s breasts are at eye level for me . This is something that I have gotten used to the and I do not and cannot stare directly into a women’s breasts . Even if they are very large . But if I see a women’s nipples . I quickly ovoid conversation with her , because I know , being that close . I cannot form an intelligent conversation , and I love talking :-) . But this is one time where I am left speechless . I was telling the story last night to a good friend of mine . I did a brief career in sales and marketing . Some 90% of my job was going to socials and selling the company that I was a part of . I spotted this young lady , very attractive . Very bubbly , and with very pronounced and hard nipples . Across the room . In my mind I thought to myself"avoid her at all cost"the evening continue and every time I would see her move . I would move further away from her . So I would not be engaged in conversation with her . I started talking to another representative from another company and low and behold"the nipple lady"is standing right there . She introduces herself to the gentleman that I was speaking to he exchanges cards he goes over his prearranged sales pitch I start to feel the ending of his verbal exchange and the anticipation of engaging this woman with nipples that look like M&Ms with the peanuts is making me lose every intelligent thought in my head . She introduces herself . I shake her hand . She tells me about her company she gives me her business card her sales pitch is over . It’s my turn , all I could do is give her my business card . And with a dumb expression on my face , say"yeah um it’s on the card , what we do ummm give us a call someday"the looks from both of these professional marketers at me , was embarrassing . This wasn’t the first time . I had been embarrassed by the two little ninjas of the flesh South Beach Miami 1991 , rolling down the street in my wheelchair . I spot , a beautiful lady with fully pronounce and hard nipples . Across the street , rolling along my eyes lock on them . Like a heat seeking missile on its target , forgetting about all of my surroundings . I keep on rolling coming closer to the intersection where I am to cross the street . Everyone gathers with the sidewalk that is I am still lock on this woman’s nipples . I approach , the gathering to cross the street , where the curb cut was (so I thought .) The next moment I was lying in . The street I had misjudge where the sidewalk cut was , because I was so focused on her nipples . I started laughing hysterically people gathered around to see if I was OK . I could not stop laughing so I avoid them . When I can , and indulged in them . When I can but that is my fetish and weakness . FYI if I ever meet you in person and your nipples are hard. Please put on a coat so I can keep my dignity intact . :-) and check this out for all you women who were not blessed with the ways of perky persuasion you can buy them at this web siteBody Perks
What Women Really Want From Football
A Better way to Clean your Monitor

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