I remember the first time . I had sex in a wheelchair for most of you who regularly read my blogs . You know that my accident happened in 1982 . I was 14 years old at the time so the only sexual experience that I had had was that of a 14-year-old which was at it’s best not in control . If you know what I mean LOL the slightest touch , and things misfire LOL but one year past . I regained feeling in those areas . I’m it was one thing to have a nurse give you a bed Bath and you look down and have a huge erection but I could not feel it the emotions set in . You start to worry , am I going to be a complete man ever again so things become very mental I want to know more about my body I knew that I was obviously achieving erections . So that I worked that still didn’t have any feeling . So I started reading books on human sexuality . I quickly found out that sex was in your head . The one on your shoulders . :-) I found out that I could ejaculate without any type of manipulation . I also found out that my body was like an open nerves and any and almost every stimulation aroused it because it did not know how to control itself . So once I started getting feeling back . It was very strange . The human touch was painful and first because the nerves had been so dormant for almost two years so I actually felt my first hard on it was scary . You have to remember I had gone to years without feeling . It so it was painful and pleasurable at the same time entering into high school sex is a big part of your life . I can remember the first person I was with . We will just call her Suzi X. :-) I remember her standing in front of my wheelchair leaning over and kissing my neck I felt like Forrest Gump , because I got hard so quickly . She started taking off her clothes and I remember watching her and not being able to stand up and touch her . I felt like a prisoner , because all of my male aggressive and impulses tendencies . I could not act on . She was in complete control , and I must admit it to it took some getting used to . She unbutton my pants , and for the first time . Someone was touching me that wasn’t my nurse or my doctor . She put her hand around me . I thought my brains were going to explode . LOL she began to take the armrest off the sides of the wheelchair my mouth was as dry as the Sierra Desert she kept on whispering"calm down , calm down"I could only think to myself you have no idea what you are doing to me . LOL she straddled my wheelchair put me inside of her . And I thought to myself"this wheelchair thing . Is it going to be that bad"LOL I remember when I came home . Of course , my mother knew . I think every mother knows when her son does something . She started laughing and my father just gave me that look like"that’s my boy"so now that I have taken you down memory lane . I think a going to call Susie X. LOL seriously sexuality is a big part of my life . But I have found out through the years that it is a lot more incense . When you’re in love . Maybe that is just the hopeless romantic side of my heart talking . I will not be a hypocrite , the booty calls and maintenance sex also take the edge off of daily life . LOL I can’t believe I just wrote this . LOL LOL
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